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 Prostate massage

eople often tend to avoid the topic of the prostate, because it belongs to our most intimate area. Or it simply makes them uncomfortable, because the prostate is close to the rectum. Men usually only start talking about it after they have suffered from an inflammation or a tumour. Read more about what the prostate really is, what purpose it serves, how it functions and how you can tell whether your prostate is healthy. In the following article, you will learn how to practise Tantra yoga and Tantra massage in order to ensure the health of your prostate and detect signs of illness.

 Practices and secret taboos

The prostate is one of the most important glands in the male body. It is sometimes called the ‘male G-spot’ and is located inside the pelvis. Its massage arouses deep and intense sexual feelings, unknown to most men. Its stimulation also has healing effects. It helps prevent prostate cancer and its hypertrophy and any related erectile issues. It brings men a deep physical and mental relaxation and ability to strengthen roles of acceptance. Despite all the beneficial effects of prostate massage, few men have ever tried it. What are the taboos linked to prostate massage, how it works and why is it so difficult to ask your partner to do it for you? Read more below on the positive effects of this particular massage as well as ways to prepare for it. If you don’t find what you are looking for, also check the article titled ‘Prostate massage: Most frequent questions’.

Prostate massage in detail

Prostate massage begins on the outside as a massage of the perineum (located between the scrotum and anus) and continues with a direct massage via the anus using a soft massage oil or lubricant. For hygienic reasons, an elastic latex glove is used for the internal part of the massage. Prostate massage obviously does not happen all on its own; it’s part of a sensual full-body Tantra massage during which the body relaxes fully and readies itself to accept more. During the massage, there is an intimate and trusting atmosphere without any embarrassment or shame. Prostate massage should never be painful as the masseur works carefully and slowly and gets the bottom and anus ready from the beginning. Only when the whole area is nicely relaxed, the masseur continues with direct stimulation. Within the ‘DeLuxe’ Tantra massage, the masseur uses hot lava stones especially designed for the bottom and lower back. Prostate massage is best received in a horizontal position, belly-down, but it can also be part of a massage in more ways, for example paired with an intimate massage of the lingam while positioned on your back. Prostate massage is unique because the masseur takes on an active role. Evoking all possible feelings, you can fully rely on their hands and forget everything else. It is advisable to let your body lead the massage and express yourself with words if you like. For example, there are individual cases of people preferring to get on their knees for a while or move their bottom.

Relese fear

A number of men are worried that liking prostate massages indicates same-sex attraction. In reality, there is no correlation. As men are often more dominant sexually, a prostate massage can be a fitting way to switch roles. Also, some men enjoy succumbing to a woman who would do with them as she pleases. Such needs are completely legitimate and mere markers that you enjoy playing different roles in your life!


For some men, a prostate massage is a secret desire they are ashamed to share with their partner. The taboo is based on the feeling of dirtiness and worrying they would make their partner feel disgusted. Hence, hygiene being very important for the massage (a latex glove). Usually no other special preparation is needed unless your body operates in irregular purification rhythms. It is not recommended to eat food causing bloatedness or gas beforehand. Another issue might be the fact that your partner does not know how to do the massage in a practical sense. If you are new to prostate massage, it is advised to try it first with an experienced masseur, as part of a Tantra massage for example, and then tell your partner in detail what you expect them to do. Being completely open is much recommended in this case!

If it doesn’t work the first time …

As with all good things in life, it sometimes happens that we are simply not prepared yet and our experience isn’t quite what we expected. In response, we often close up and are unwilling to try again. Subconsciously, we try to prevent any more disappointment. A prostate massage is a highly sensitive issue and sometimes it happens that the first experience is not what it could have been. You can blame many fears and unconscious taboos and so it is necessary to learn to accept the massage properly. In some cases, it works right from the start. In others, small steps are needed to gain trust with your masseur, get rid of any worries and provide your body the space to accept new feelings. If you persist, a prostate massage becomes an ecstatic and deeply relaxing experience. The experiences of many men confirm that this winding road is definitely worth it. A good prostate massage is a healing way to accept deeply hidden parts within. This erotic massage works on the level of the body and its sensuality. There is no spiritual framework of much importance. What matters most are the motives of the masseur and whether they enjoy the massage or see it as just a form of making a living. That certainly reflects on the quality of the massage and clients’ enjoyment. Another issue is the masseur having a high number of clients, as an erotic massage can easily become just sex work for money. In this case, there is no Tantra at all. The givers are often totally disconnected from their bodies. This kind of mechanism called dissociation allows giving your body to the customer as if you weren’t actually present in the moment at all. On the contrary, Tantra really cares for living in the present moment and the integration of all feelings and pleasures.

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